Our Responsibilities

..and relationship with Manchester City Council (MCC)and Northwards Housing Management 

Manchester City Council is the landlord of the properties. They provide the management allowance to SHOUT TMO to manage the properties on their behalf. The Council is responsible for structural repairs over a particular amount, statutory health and safety relating to the properties including gas servicing, fire safety checks, Capital Works e.g. replacement of kitchens, bathrooms, boilers, and all works that do not come under day-to-day repair budget.

Where Does Northwards Fit into the Picture

Northwards is an Arm’s Length Management Organisation created by the Council to manage over 13000 properties in North Manchester. In addition, the Council has also passed on some of its responsibilities regarding the Tenant Management Organisations in the North to Northwards. Northwards are responsible and help with the following:

  • Management of Capital Works
    • Rent Management
    • ASB cases to a higher level like Injunctions, Possession for ASB, etc. Northwards Community Safety Team.
    • Contingency Plans in case of emergency like fire etc.
    • Fire Safety Checks
    • Annual Gas Servicing
    • Assisting with advice.


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